The following applies to all orders received after 1st. of January 2024:
Raw material regulation per 1st. January 2024:
We have now bought in for the 1st quarter of 2024 and locked in the price per 1.1.2024 – 1.4.2024. The price has fallen by approx. 18% = -5.00 DKK/kg since the last regulation in April 2022.
Secondary aluminum alloy (4261 and 4253 etc.) DKK -5.00/kg. = Price DKK 23.00/kg.
Primary aluminum alloy (EN AB 43500 and 44000 etc.) DKK -5.00/kg. = Price DKK 26.00/kg.
Raw material prices are adjusted quarterly if they change by more than +/- 5% during the period.
Energy regulation per 1st. January 2024:
The electricity price has fallen 20% from DKK 2.50/kwt to DKK 2.00/kwt = – DKK 0.50/kwt, since the last regulation in October 2022. Consumption in production is 5kwt/kg. It is therefore regulated with -0.50 DKK/kwt X 5 kwt/kg. = DKK -2.50/kg. The energy price is adjusted monthly if it changes by more than +/- 10% during the period.
Price regulation per 1st. January 2024:
We have recently regulated the prices per 1 January 2022. In the past 24 months, we have experienced increasing costs for auxiliary materials, wages, transport and the environment, etc.
Therefore, there will be an adjustment of + 7.8% on all orders received after 1 January 2024. This corresponds to approx. 3.8% per year. The new prices are expected to be valid for the rest of the year (until 1/1/2025).
The total raw material & energy regulation will therefore be – 7.50 DKK/kg, corresponding to approx. – 10% on casting prices. In addition, a price adjustment of +7.8% is added to the casting prices as well as CNC and surface treatment.
EXAMPLE below – Price before / Price now:
- Cast item of 2 kg alu. regulated +7.8% and -7.50 DKK/kg. Price before: 150/Price now: DKK 146.70.
- Machining CNC regulated +7.8%. Price before: DKK 60/Price now: DKK 64.70.
- Coating is regulated +7.8%. Price before: DKK 40/Price now: DKK 43.10.
Total price in total: Total change corresponds to +1.8%. Price before: DKK 250/Price now: DKK 254.50.
We look forward to a continued good cooperation.
Kind regards
Kim Brincker
Farum, January 2024