About A/S Secure –  Aluminum Foundry

Our foundry has existed for more than 80 years. The third generation has taken over. With production in both Denmark and China. We supply cast parts in aluminum to the industry sector at home and abroad

For more than 80 years, A/S Secure Foundry has built a strong foundation with long-term business relationships. A/S Secure has developed into an international casting and machining company, who not only produce for the customers’ specific requirements, but also advises on the optimal casting process, as well as production adaptation and sourcing etc.

General Manager Kim Brincker states:

  • On the 8th of September 1942 my grandfather received a certificate of employment as a metal moulder. 

  • In 1942, Secure was located in a backyard in Copenhagen with a sand foundry on the ground floor and processing on the first floor.

  • In 1965, my father takes over and moves the company to Farum and Skensved. 

    CNC machines are introduced and expanded with 5 different casting methods via a network of foundries in Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Turkey. The customers are large industrial companies in Scandinavia.

  • In September 1998 I (Kim Brincker) joined the company, and the customer base expands with international high-tech industrial companies.

  • In 2004, the collaboration with our Chinese supplier starts. After many years of good partnership, Secure is the sole dealer in Scandinavia and on the top 3 customer list.

Secure is a well-founded company, with a strong international network, and we have a very good sales platform to offer our customers. We are proud of our employees and our business relationships – and of the development that has been created. We are proud of our customers and the trust they place in us.

Kind regards,
A/S Secure, Kim Brincker, Third generation General Manager & 25 year anniversary in 2023

  • On the 8th of September 1942 my grandfather Henri Brincker received a certificate of employment as a metal moulder:

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