Case: 3D printed little monkey – aluminum

Together with the customer, based on technical drawings, we have chosen to 3D print the monkey and then cast the monkey in aluminum

Aluminum casted monkey designed by Christian Mathiesen, from Ole Mathiesen ure,

Our customer wanted a small monkey cast in aluminum.

The casting process was as follows:

  1. First, we made a 3D print of the monkey based on technical drawings.
  2. A mould was then prepared and the monkey was cast in aluminum at our foundry.
  3. The monkey was then powder coated in different colours.

The case here shows how the process is when using 3D printing for aluminum items or parts. The product can be tested both technically and visually.

3D printing is best for smaller items/parts. 3D print is suitable for prototypes for aluminum.

We can 3D print your next project in aluminum. Feel free to contact us – if you need help casting your product from the 3D print casting method into a finished product in aluminum.