Chill casting Aluminum Zinc

Modern, hydraulic casting machines using simple steel moulds. The moulds, which are normally made of ordinary steel, are in contact with the molten metal, so they need a protective coating.
Parameters such as smelting temperature, how the metal is poured or tipped into the moulds, as well as cooling time, are controlled by the caster.

Chill Casting – The benefits of using this method:

  • Suitable for batch runs from 100–500 pieces.
  • Suitable for pcs. up to approx. 3 kg.
  • Reasonable mould costs.
  • Uniform surface; good tolerances.
  • Suitable for small and medium-sized workpieces.
  • Favourable unit prices.
  • Chill Casting is the next step after Sand Casting. Lower unit costs, better tolerances and more uniform surfaces make this method competitive for series of 100–500 pieces.

Selected products where we have used the Chill Casting method:

kokille støbt emne i aluminium, støbt på vores kokillestøberi

Chill casting in aluminum and zink alloys

Suitable for batch runs from 100–500 pcs. and for pcs. up to approx. 3 kg. Uniform surface and good tolerances.

kokille støbt emne i aluminium, støbt på vores kokillestøberi