Sustainable production:
less wastage
less refuse
more recycling (90% of aluminium). Aluminum is recyclable. Products made of aluminum have a very long life and durability. Extraction of aluminum is energy-intensive, but previously used aluminum can be easily melted down and 90% recycled.
Reliable sourcing:
business partners who respect: human rights
environmental regulations
Secure jobs:
safety groups
Saving energy:
reducing power consumption
reducing wastage
reducing the amount of re-smelting (3%)
Securing the environment and the climate: Green energy, from oil to heat pumps, limited use of harmful substances, RoHS compatible.
Inspiration: We draw our inspiration from the following organisations and hope this will inspire others too:
CRS Corporate Social Responsibility
UN Global Compact (10 principles for a sustainable future)
UN PRI Principles for Responsible Investment (6 guidelines)
The Danish Ministry of Business and Growth
Kind Regards, A/S Secure, Aluminum Foundry