Low Pressure Aluminum Casting Parts

Advanced casting machines that require more extensive steel moulds. The metal is pressed into the mould at 1/2 -1 bar overpressure, depending on the workpiece. The smelting temperature, inlet pressure, casting time, setting time, cooling time for the workpiece as well as post-cooling of the mould are controlled by the machine. This results in consistently high quality.

Low Pressure Casting – The benefits of using this method:

  • Suitable for series from 100–500 pieces.
  • Workpieces normally up to approx. 50 kg.
  • Lower cleansing costs.
  • Uniform surface; good tolerances.
  • Pressure-cast (pressure-impervious) workpieces.
  • Favourable unit prices.
    This method is used, for example, for casting 230 kg fan hubs. To the best of our knowledge, that is the largest low-pressure cast piece in northern Europe.
lavtrykstøbning i aluminium

Selected products where we have used the Low Pressure Casting method:

lavtrykstøbning i aluminium med mål
lavtrykstøbning i aluminium
lavtrykstøbning i aluminium, bagsiden af det støbte emne

Low-pressure aluminum casting or Sand casting?

Your needs may change in line with increasing demand.

Example: Our customer chose first Sand Casting as a production method for their product. But when the production increased they switched to Low Pressure Casting.

We also provide you with ongoing advice about which production best suits your situation.